The Long View
Track Listing
- The Long View (Tom Van Seters) 4:56
- Reverence (Kent Sangster) 5:40
- Tri Seamair (Craig Brenan) 6:23
- Miriam (Joel Toews) 6:01
- The Bridge (Rubim de Toledo) 6:11
- Until Such Time (Silas Friesen) 6:26
- Quixotic Pets (John Halvorson) 4:37
- Breathing Room (Mari Alice Conrad) 5:22
- Subconscious (Landon West) 5:04
- Cloudrunner (Stephanie Urquhart) 6:43
For over 50 years, the big band has been the mainstay ensemble in the music department at MacEwan. The Generations Big Band pays tribute to this tradition with an ensemble comprised of faculty who are recognized as some of Edmonton’s finest musicians, alumni and current students. Every member of this ensemble came through the ranks of the MacEwan Big Band in the past 45 years.
This unforgettable album presents a rare opportunity to feature music from MacEwan composers Craig Brenan, Kent Sangster, Rubim de Toledo, and Tom van Seters, and, alumni composers Mari Alice Conrad, Silas Friesen, John Halvorson, Joel Toews, Stephanie Urquhart, and Landon West.
“This record has been an incredible learning opportunity for everyone on the project. I am so proud of the artistry and professionalism that faculty and alumni brought to the studio. I know students will never forget working side by side with their professors and learning what it takes to perform, record, and compose at the highest levels.”
—Dr. Allan Gilliland
Dean, Fine Arts and Communications
Raymond Baril – director
Kent Sangster – alto saxophone
Holly Sangster – alto saxophone
Jim Brenan – tenor saxophone
Jerrold Dubyk – tenor saxophone
Dan Davis – baritone saxophone
Joel Gray – trumpet
Dean McNeill – trumpet
Marlouie Saique – trumpet
Elissa Moores – trumpet
Craig Brenan – trombone
Matt White – trombone
Madeline Vandersluys – trombone
Ken Read – bass trombone
Chris Andrew – piano
Jim Head – guitar
Rubim de Toledo – bass
Jamie Cooper – drums
Produced by Allan Gilliland, Raymond Baril, Paul Johnston & Padraig Buttner-Schnirer
Recorded by Paul Johnston & Padraig Buttner-Schnirer
Recorded at MacEwan University, Studio A, May 2022
Mixed by Padraig Buttner-Schnirer
Mastered by Reuben Ghose at Mojito Mastering
Assistant Engineers: Reinette Schabert, Carla Lenfesty, Evan Delainey, Levon Vokins, Josh Bauer
Executive Producer Craig Monk
Liner Notes by Raymond Baril & Allan Gilliland
Special thanks to MacEwan University’s Provost, Dr. Craig Monk, for his ongoing support of Bent River Records and TD Bank for their generous support of this project.
Album Design by Angie Karch, DESN 231, Typography II, Design, MacEwan University
Design Management by Peter Haughland
Bent River Records Team 2022/23: Rose Ginther, Paul Johnston, Padraig Buttner-Schnirer, Brandon Baker, Gladwyn Badger, Kristjan Buckingham, Josh Siemens, Kaitlyn Tupper