This past Saturday (Hallows’ Eve) we stopped by Studio A for Roya’s second recording session this term. Her entire band was in attendance; recording bedtracks for drums, bass, guitar, piano, santur, and voice.
After a few passes at a particular song, Producer, Professor and label head Paul Johnston made the decision to mute the ever controversial “click-track” or metronome, mid-way through the tune. This seemed to be the magic touch that was needed, as the bridge that followed was full of liveliness.
Although the team spent many hours in the studio, the day flew by thanks to a great group of musicians. As the session wrapped up, Roya gave us some insight into the recording process. She explained that the bulk of the material needed for her album has now been captured. As some of her compositions have been in the works for years, she finds it extremely satisfying to finally reach this recording milestone!